Meal Planning:
Sensory Processing:
Learning & Understanding the Tastes & Textures of Food Items
Understanding the Tastes of Food Items - sweet, sour, spicy, bitter, salty
"Move your body" pizza activity with or without real pizza
Learning about Food:
Learning about the Food Groups - protein, grains, fruits & vegetables, dairy
Learning the difference between "Healthy" foods vs. "Treat" foods
Guess the Food Activity
Oral Motor Skills:
Oral Exercises:
Talk Tools - "Bite Tube Hierarchy" and "Chewy Tube Description"
Chewing Hierarchy Instructions
Oral Motor Card Game - "Pick an exercise of your choice!"
Lip & Tongue Movement Patterns:
Home Programs:
General Parent Handout on "Ways to Help your Child with Feeding"
Home Program for: "Introducing or Changing Foods"
Home Program for: "Mealtime routine, approach, and environmental changes"
