Check out these activities for clients 10 years old and older!
Messy Play Activity Ideas:
Finger painting with pudding/yogurt/whipped cream
Use paint brushes to paint with pudding or purees (if your child is not ready to touch)
Touch and squish wet foods through Ziploc bags
Teddy bear/doll picnic on the floor with real foods
Make a “meal” with real foods in your child’s pretend/child-sized kitchen
Developing Rotary Chewing Patterns:
Click here for great insights into developing rotary chewing patterns!
Activities that address Fine Motor, Sensory, and Pizza! :
Click Here for a SAMPLE SOAP Note written from an SOS Approach to Feeding Therapy framework.
Click Here to download the SOS PERFORMANCE TRACKING grid.
Click Here to review how to track Progress and write a Progress Note utilizing the SOS Approach to Feeding Therapy framework.
Click here for Home Program Recommendations for "Introducing or Changing Foods"
Click here for Home Program Recommendations for "Mealtime routine, approach, and environmental changes"