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Writer's pictureTyler Michael

Collaboration Corner: Career Exploration with Adolescent & Young Adults 🧑‍🎓🧑‍🍳👩‍🔧

As we have learned through research on "Transitions in OT" (especially in Post-Secondary transitions), it is very important for adolescents to consider, reflect, and make educated decisions regarding their future hopes & dreams in this world! Dr. Christopher Trujillo spoke on this topic in a "Transitions in OT" series, available HERE for your learning. That said, in this month's Collaboration Corner we will be sharing "Career Exploration" resources and activities you can utilize with your adolescent and young adult clients in sessions. See below for the rather shocking "WHY's?" behind the importance of this topic area!

Article on Career Exploration:

A wonderful article was written regarding how to explore careers with clients, types of careers, as well as, their general interests.

Career Interest Surveys:

There are some FANtastic Career Surveys below that ask helpful, guiding questions for clients to explor their potential career interests.

Click on the links below to check them out!

Career Development Checklist:

Check out this amazing "Career Development Checklist for Students with Disabilities."

Transitions in OT - Post-Secondary:

As mentioned above, Dr. Christopher Trujillo taught a series and provided very helpful resources regarding transition planning for students and how we can support this.

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