Hello OTR and SLP Evaluators!
As we continue to learn and grow in our practice, I wanted to share with you some important best practice reminders when completing evaluations!
Standardized Assessments: It is KEY to always utilize at least 1 standardized assessment in your evaluations. Parent and client interview is very important, as well as, skilled clinical observations, BUT being able to establish baselines, develop appropriate goals, etc. based on the results from researched and trusted standardized assessment tools is also very important and required for Capable Therapy's therapists. Writing Goals:
Measurable & Objective: Need I say more? :) Make sure your goals are always measurable and objective to appropriately track progress.
ST, LT, & Home Program Goals: A new DDD development this past year was the requirement of writing ST, LT, and Home Program goals. For more detailed information on this, please reference a previous Collab Corner post on 7/29/2021 called, "DDD Eval/Progress Report Form Updates."
DDD's OT / ST Goal Description Requirement: When writing goals for DDD clients, I always encourage utilization of language that references the DDD's OT / ST Service Goal description. Please click here to review: OT Service Description and ST Service Description.
DDD's OT / ST Evaluation Template: We include much the DDD OT Evaluation Template in our Clinic Source Evaluation templates. Click HERE to review.
OTR's: Remember to keep the client's function and independence at the forefront of your mind when developing clients' Occupational Profile.
In our Capable Therapy OT Evaluation template, click HERE, we utilize much of the OTPF as a "guide" for evaluation.
Please check out AOTA's Occupational Profile template, click HERE. This provides a great template when developing the Occupational Profile. At Capable Therapy, all OT/OTA FW students are required to use this template to complete an Occupational Profile for 1 client during their FW experience.
Thank you for being dedicated to providing excellent, quality therapy for all of our Capable Kiddos! You ALL are amazing! Tyler Michael